Thursday, January 10, 2013

God is Amazing

First, an Apology!
            We are sincerely sorry! It is now 2013, and we have been silent for too long! Yes, we are still here and still searching for ways to further God’s kingdom by being the voice of the oppressed. We hope that you will forgive us entirely and we will make it a point to post more often!

Now, an Extraordinary Story and a Blessing from God!
            Somewhere during the month of September 2012, one of our team members, Kevin, received a voice mail from a pastor, Pastor Jack. Pastor Jack told Kevin in the voice mail that he had received Bethel College’s magazine in the mail. On the cover he saw Kevin’s familiar face. He flipped through the magazine to find the corresponding article, and there he learned about Bought at a Price. He loved our story and what we are doing, and he wanted to support us. He had called Kevin to find out how best he could support us.
            Kevin and Pastor Jack could not get their schedules to align, so after a month or two of playing phone tag, they finally were able to talk towards the end of November. Kevin was able to explain more in detail about B@AP, that we stand for raising awareness for and eliminating sex trafficking. He told Pastor Jack about the missionary we support.  The Missionary is passionately living out the life God has called him to: rescuing as many girls from sex slavery as possible through the power of prayer, etc. The best way that Pastor Jack could support B@AP, Kevin explained, is by helping us support The Missionary.
            Pastor Jack and his church were blown away by our ministry and our desire to make a difference in this world. The church wanted to help. They expressed interest in buying our T-shirts and bracelets as way to support our ministry, but the biggest surprise was still yet to come. A week or two later, we received a check in the mail. It was more than anything we could have asked for, and it was for The Missionary. We were stunned. The Missionary felt so blessed and was so grateful.
            Needless to say, God is amazing, and we give Him all the glory. He is doing some big things in the realm of human trafficking. Join us in prayer and fighting for those who cannot speak for themselves. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Check Out Our Merch!

Finally, the day has arrived! The online store is now up and running! We have many bracelets and shirts available to purchase right here online. Please click our "Store" link at the top of the page and be sure to check out some of the awesome merchandise we have for sale!

Monday, July 2, 2012

WFRN Friend Fest

July 1st, 2012 - Kevin Brown represented Bought At A Price in a featured article found in the WFRN Friend Fest Magazine!  WFRN Friend Fest, a two day Christian Concert Series, was held in Nappanee, Indiana from June 29-30. Bethel College, along with many other sponsors, organized this event that brought in 20 major recording artists such as: Casting Crowns, David Crowder, and Tenth Avenue North. We are so excited to see God's blessing and movement among Bought At A Price! Thanks so much WFRN and Bethel College

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Indiana Youth Seek to Fight Human Trafficking - By Aaron Charles

May 22, 2012/South Bend, Indiana/ By Aaron Charles for Word News

The global market of child trafficking is over $12 billion a year with over 1.2 million child victims (UNICEF). Ninety-five percent of victims experienced physical or sexual violence during trafficking. Statistics such as these are shocking, and they drove one youth group in Northern Indiana to act.

On Saturday, May 19, the youth group of Hillside Missionary Church in South Bend, Indiana, held a spaghetti dinner to raise money for Tiny Hands International – a Christian organization which fights human trafficking in Nepal. During the evening, the teens prepared and served the meal to attendees as well as giving three separate presentations to raise awareness for the plight of human trafficking. Shirts and bracelets were available for sale and attendees were encouraged to give donations as well. All proceeds from the event went to Tiny Hands, and in total, the group of 15 teenagers raised over $800 at the event – enough to save 21 girls out of slavery.

But the story does not begin there.

It begins back in January as the group was sitting in the church’s youth room listening to a presentation from Jon Andrews, Director of Midwest Development at Tiny Hands International. His testimony of actually going to Nepal and seeing the devastation caused by human trafficking really caught the teens’ attention.

“I hadn’t heard about human trafficking before Jon Andrews came,” said 14-year old Alexis Snyder, a member of the youth group and one of the presenters at the event.
In fact, Andrews made such an impact that the teens invited him back to share his story at the dinner as well. However, he considered the teens’ drive to make a difference to be more impactful.

“This isn’t about me,” said Andrews. “These kids are the future and I’m just excited about what they’ve done.”

From there, the teens (as well as their adult leaders) went through months of planning and preparation. It was hard work and at times it proved stressful, but the teens were determined to make a difference.

“[Human trafficking] is terrible and someone needs to do something about it,” said 15-year old Blake Marshall.

“Even if we only save one person, it matters,” said Aaron Burdin, the youth pastor at Hillside Missionary Church.

So what fueled this determination? The gravity of the situation really hit home for the teens when they realized that these statistics and stories represented real people.

“I have two younger sisters and I just kept thinking about them going into slavery,” said sophomore Ryan Arick.
“My passion is little kids,” said 17-year old Tiffaney Soule, “I just realized that these are real people.”

All the hard work culminated in a successful evening by all accounts. Not just because they had raised money, but because they had made a difference.

“I’m really impressed by the willingness of our group to jump in,” said Burdin, “It may not be a big thing, but they made a difference.”

And the message didn’t end there. The teens want to continue to make a difference by inspiring others to get involved.

“Try your best to do anything,” encouraged Snyder.

You can find information about human trafficking and efforts to stop it at

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Calling (Amanda's Story)

  I first heard about sex trafficking right before my first trip to Kenya. We learned about different things going on in the community and surrounding areas of where we were staying and human trafficking and prostitution was very evident in the area.

  I first heard about B@AP in January 2012 at the first meeting that I went to, to get more information about what the group we wanted to start would look like. I knew that a friend of mine wanted to start some type of group to get the word out about trafficking but I had no idea that their was already a group that had something great already going.

  I decided to get involved with B@AP because the first time I heard about human trafficking it hit me hard emotionally. There has been certain things that have gone on in my life that a way I kind of almost relate to what is going on in the lives of these girls. And I also had another thought that there are girls younger than my little sister out there being trafficked. That just did not sit right with me. So I decided to join B@AP to no longer sit by and wonder if I could help out some way, but to actually get involved.

  Honestly, I have not been apart of B@AP for all that long. But just being connected with the people in this group and knowing that in some way they feel a connection to human trafficking too is awesome.

  I feel God calling me to spread the word. And not only to spread the word but to go. To go to the ones in need. I would love to be the person that saves and comforts girls that have come out of trafficking. I know that doing nothing is not an option anymore.